How your hotel can gain business through mobile technology

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Love it or hate it, mobile technology is in our pockets, purses, hands and faces everywhere we go.

Conversations have been superseded by texts; interactions outmoded by games and equally interactive apps. We can't change it and, if anything, advances in mobile technology will make us even more reliant and addicted. So as enterprising businesses we may as well jump on the digital bandwagon and use it to our advantage. Here are a few ways your hotel can maximise your mobile opportunities.

Make a moving impression on mobile

There was a time when any old online impression was good enough. Not anymore. The bulk of your potential customers now use mobile devices – tablets and smartphones – to seek out accommodation. So while the glossy shots on your website might look fabulous on a PC, they can get lost in translation on mobile. Websites function differently to mobile devices so make sure your website is formatted for easy mobile viewing and you have a standout mobile app or your market will walk right on by.

Digitise your concierge

You only need to spend five minutes on a train to see the number of faces buried in a mobile device, not a good thing, just a fact. And nothing is going to change when these people go on holiday or embark on a business trip – they're still going to turn to their phone for navigation, local attractions and restaurant options. Which means proactive hotels can enhance the whole guest experience and build goodwill through an all-encompassing local app. Each customer downloads the app at check in and sets off armed with all the facts they need to scour your local area, not to mention embrace you as a hotel offering more than just a bed.

Amp up your admin

Why stop there? Your more traditional customers will still want to deal with a smiling face, but a large number will be happy to deal with the nuts and bolts of their stay via an app. That means check-in and check-out, as well as possibly room service, transport, and extra hotel amenities like gym and spa bookings.  

Customise your customers

And why stop there? A mobile app allows you to go to any lengths you choose to personalise every customer's stay according to their own specific needs and nuances. What dietary peculiarities do they have? Do they prefer a particular type of pillow, cover or sheet? Would they like certain newspapers or minibar additions? Do they have a fear of heights and prefer a lower floor? All these quirks and more can be added to a customised app to tailor each and every visit in ways that make your hotel stand out.

Keep in touch

When your customers check out that doesn't mean they should disappear from sight. That device they carry around in their pocket or purse can be utilised to send ongoing personal messages and promos. Offer them a special price as reward for their previous visit. Tailor deals to suit all the personal preferences already gathered in your custom app. And best of all stay top of mind for when they're planning their next excursion or business trip.

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